Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example The only way for him to locate his mother is her telephone number. The theme of the story however revolves around the danger, the boy faces while traveling atop freight trains in order to cross Mexico. These freight trains are usually hunted by gangsters who take control of the train top and mercilessly kill and rob the migrants. Mexican police in the route are corrupt and the boys have to jump on and off the train to keep away from the cops and immigration officials. Hence it is called the Train of Death. Enrique overcomes all the hassles and dangers on his way with courage, wit, hope and the consideration of strangers. This story correlates with thousands of immigrant children who risk their lives to go the United States to reunite with their parents (Nazario). The April 2006 report of USAID Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean/Office of Regional Sustainable Development (LAC/RSD) and USAID Missions in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua indicates that there is an unprecedented increase in the rate of crime in Central America and Mexico that slows down the pace of democratic and economic progress in the region. The report recommends a multi national mission to combat the situation. Gangsters in the region are exploiting technology, traveling facilities and globalization to escalate the activities from their locale and trespass international borders. These gangsters spread their wings to the United States, Mexico and Central America by inflicting damages to national security and involve in drug trafficking. The report suggests various policies and programs to restrict the increase in gangs and related activities. Besides, gangsters, another rising concern in the region are deportation and migration. The solution rec ommended by the report begins from settling disputes like domestic violence and inter-family violence that serve as the beginning stage of gangs. The report calls

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