Sunday, August 25, 2019

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Questions - Assignment Example Secondly, many of the practices of Ancient Egypt still exists in various forms in African societies. And although most of these practices have systematically disappeared over the past 500 years due to Islamic and Christian influences, most African tribes continue to pay homage to the dead and some even worship ancestors. This is the exact traditions that were held sacred in Ancient Egypt. This is because the Egyptians saw their leaders as a link between the contemporary society and the supernatural world. Hence, there was a lot of attention that was given to the leaders of the community. The beliefs in the Afterlife led to the creation of pyramids which exist to this day as a way of keeping the Pharaohs eternally alive. Although Africans moved from these regions many years ago, they still have traditions like preserving the dead, having very elaborate funerals and the beliefs in spiritual systems and structures similar to what existed in Ancient Egypt. The culture and political struc tures of Africa continue to show resemblance with what existed in Egypt. Paleontology primarily shows evidence of changes in weather and other natural conditions that explains the need for Africans to move in various directions from the Nile Valley. Global warming and other challenges like war caused Africans to move in other directions. Then the desertification of the mid-section of Africa led to the creation of what is now the world’s largest desert. This caused Africans to move further south. And when the Sahara was fully formed, most Africans could not move to North Africa to link up to mainstream activities and technologies. Therefore, they moved in small scattered communities that were in the interior of West Africa and East Africa. Other conditions caused Africans to move further down south to places like the coast of West Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa. After the decline of Classical Egypt, persons

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