Monday, September 9, 2019

Vitamin D Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vitamin D - Essay Example se is of course individuals that live in far northern latitudes where temperature concern requires these individuals to remain thoroughly covered so that frostbite and/or exposure to inclement weather is not affected. A secondary group of individuals that is negatively impacted by the degree and extent to which they are able to gain healthful level of exposure to the sun, in order to encourage the body to create vitamin D naturally, are those individuals within societies that are relatively wealthy and spend the majority of their time indoors. However, there is a third contingent of individuals that must be considered with respect to low vitamin D levels and the impact this on out. These are with regards to women that live within conservative Muslim nations in and around the equator; specifically Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the following analysis will focus specifically upon the difficulties in achieving sufficient levels of vitamin D for female stakeholders within Saudi Arabia, some of the means by which diet can be leveraged as a function of promoting vitamin D levels within the human body, the effects of vitamin D deficiency, and ways to raise awareness with regard to the impacts of low vitamin D levels. Firstly, with respect to low vitamin D levels that are represented within the female population of conservative Muslim societies, this is oftentimes the result of the fact that strict norms of morality prevent women from showing anything more than their hands or a brief space around the eyes. Whereas it is not the goal of this particular paper to discuss whether or not the niqab is ethical or moral, in a universal standpoint, it must be noted that these moral restrictions create a situation through which vitamin D creation from the sun is nearly impossible (Vanni et al., 2014). As women remain cloistered behind layers of dark fabric, the overall amount of time that they are able to spend outside, or in public in general, is restricted. Furthermore, the extreme

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